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Sunday, May 3, 2020

My First Dangeons & Dragons figure !!

   So, here it is my first try to D&D community and my first figure...

       Those who follow this blog for long, they have seen that I jump form one subject to the other like a grasshopper ! As stated in some previous posts , I like to paint whatever comes to my hand or even repaint and restore old and bad painted minis..Scale is not an issue also. I like 1:72 figures, 28mm but mostly 1:32. Though I'm not a gamer my painting interest is very wide..

      For many years that I'm seeing D&D fancy figures and fantastic caracters all over the web and everytime I say " I should paint some..". So the time has come for that chapter to open now.. :)

     I have bough some cheap minis on ebay some months ago just to have a first shot. Is the once in the picture below.These are a little bigger than 28mm scale. A human fghter is 35mm tall. I don't have any idea about them so, if anyone knows something ( names, types, game etc..)  will be welcome to drop it in a comment :)

          Surprisingly, these figures ,though they were cheap they were very well detailed . The only thing was the bending of the swords etc. ,witch was corrected with patience and a...hairdryer.!

    I didn't find any example of these figures painted on the web ,or I don't know how to search for it.
So the painting motive was 100% mine..The base was curvy and I couldn't straightn't it up so... I glue it up on another hard plastic round base and everything is fine...

   So, I did it again.. Another, never closing, case has opened for me..... :)

That's all for now.. Have a creative and healthy new month!

'Till next time...

Keep Up The Brushes!