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Friday, May 22, 2020

Dungeons & Dragons Hero No.2

         Hi everyone, the second figure of this set is ready .Another strange fantasy figure mixing medieval and modern details and equipment. The scale is strange also for these figures. This one is 35mm base to head. So I suppose 1:50 scale ??

        Once again if there's a gamer out there who has any information about these figures, it would be very much appreciated to drop it here :)

        Here some pictures to see the final result. I'm not 100% happy with it though....

 That's all for now. Five more figures are on my table from this set so, stay tuned :)

'Till next time..

Stay safe and Healthy!

Keep up the Brushes!!


  1. He look so good! I really like contrast between red and green. And his face has so well painted expression of feelings. He know that whoever is his enemy, he will be slay immediately! :-D

  2. Excellent work & fantastic paint-job !

  3. Very nicely painted character figure.

  4. Glorious work! Photos on the dark background are striking.

  5. That's a wicked blade! That is a very fine painting style. Greetings BB

    1. Thank you BB, I hope everything is fine with your house restoration!

      Greetings, George.

    2. Week 10 of isolation and nothing has changed. However all the birds have fledged from our homemade boxes that sit upon the house walls, and are upon the wing, BB

  6. Great work on this character! The miniature is in some kind of cartoon or comics style with exaggerated facial features and heroic pose. It’s very interesting and I like it :) I’d vote for the black background:)

    1. Thank you Dmitry. Yes I agree but I still haven't found If these figures are a specific subject figures or just random Hero figures to create a character. Since I'm not a gamer I don't know these details...
      Still searching though :)

  7. Great job! Looks miniature wonderful!

  8. Among other lovely details, I really like the way you handled the base. It's a subtle way that the miniature tells us: I was born for dungeon-crawling!

    1. Thank you sir ! Yep,you got it, that's the feeling :)

  9. Love the way you painted the cloak George.

    1. Thank you Ray! I love to work with red when it is for clothes. It make very nice highlighting and shading. It is a very dynamic color.

  10. Yep That cloak looks so good. Great work sir and I’m sorry, I don’t know what range it’s from.

    1. When I painted them I didn't know either..Now I 've learned that they are from "Zombicide - Black Plague" Game.I'm not a gamer so I don't have any more info about them. Just loved to paint them :)
      I have some more to come from this set. So stay tuned!
