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Friday, April 10, 2020

1:72 Italeri " WW2 US Paratroopers"

            Hello everyone! I hope you are all fine and healthy during this sad situation.

       A small post for some small guys for this week. I have painted them while I was painted the 1:32 figures just for a break and used the same color scheme and technics. Not the full set , but I do have a whole box of them, so I will surely completed in the future..

      A beautifull set with 48 figures and a lot of different poses, witch I didn't count yet :).

   Here you can see the original box for reference..

         A 2 cent € coin has been used for basing. The final result end up a little more brownish then I wanted. Some more pictures below to enjoy..

A small post for now just to catch up this weekend :)
Hope you like them and inpired someone out there!

'Till next time....

Stay safe and healthy!
and of course...

Keep Up The Brushes!!


  1. These fellows look super! I am happy you were distracted enough to paint these figures.

    1. Thank you Jonathan! Yes, i'm happy that this breakout painting finally became as good as the primary job :)

  2. Handsome minis, nice poses and nice paintjob!

  3. Nicely looking paratroopers!
    I use coins for bases too (or washers)

    1. Thanks my friend! Yes, they are very usefull and easy to work with :)

  4. Amazing paintjob! I love US paratroopers miniatures (doesn't matter which one, I just love all the sculpted which I know).

    Stay safe!

    1. Thank you Viluir! Yep is anice topic with many variations..

      Stay Safe and healthy!
