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Saturday, January 25, 2020

(late..) Happy New Year!!

       Three weeks have past since New Years Eve but its never too late to wish you a happy and creative new year!! May 2020 be a great year to all of you!!

       Every new year I start with great expectations and ambitions but I'm getting wrong! So I wont promise anything for this year's plans because it has been proved that I cannot keep any schedule in my painting time...
        Although I manage to paint a lot of figures since my last post (when was that ??) and I hope I will be able to present them to you in the forthcoming weeks...

       Today I will proudly present you my new painting station / workspace witch I manage to rearrange last summer :)
       It was a great breakthrough cause I was studying for long since I found the time to do it. The whole room was changed in to a office/workspace for me but also for the rest of the family. So now I have my painting corner/nest as I was dreamt of ...:) The whole system with the monitor is handmade by me and I enjoyed very much doing it.

      See the pictures below and I hope this post will be an inspiration to someone who wants to have computer space and a painting workspace in one!!

    That's all for now. My best wishes again to you and your families for the New Year!!

'Till next time....Keep Up The Brushes!!


  1. This a very handsome workspace! Congratulations to you and Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year ! Fantastic work-space ! Very clean and organized , the opposite of mine. :)

    1. Hi Mario, is not that clean and organized when I'm in a painting procedure, but yes, generaly is better than wat I had before!


  3. What a nice place!! Happy New Year!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Michal ! I see the young Dwarf is growing fast :)

  5. Also my best wishes for you and your family, George! And that is an awfull nice workspace!


  6. Great looking workplace! I wish you a productive and pleased time being there :)

    1. Thank you Dmitry, yes ,it has already increases my productivity and my appetite for painting :)

  7. Happy New Year to you too! And great start with such an inviting hobby area!
