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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Airfix " Medieval Foot Soldiers" 1:32 Repainting-Restored

 Hi everyone!
      Long time again since my last post , and I'm back with another small restoration. These figures
were badly and partially painted when they come to me and the paint was starting to break on some
spots. (I used those breaks to make cuttings of the cloths).

     Here you can see the starting state of the figures. I decide no to try to scrub the paint of , but
only cut of some mould lines and loose paint breaks and repaint them.

              And here is the final result.( after few hours but many days of sporadic painting....)

       Once again one incomplete set but it was a figure resurrection so it doesn't count ..:)

Hope you like them and enjoy the pictures  ,  ...till next time...

Keep Up The Brushes!!!


  1. Very nice retouch. Interestingly, I've not done anything hobby related for a few months, but just this morning I decided to give some TLC to a decades old 54mm lead figure I painted as a kid. Working on the basing now.

    1. Perhaps Enfilade! will provide painting motivation for you, Dean?

    2. Thank you Dean! I 'm glad that my post gets you back to work!
      I'm waiting to see the repainting!

  2. It has been a long time since your last post. Good to see you back. Your rehab work turned out well. Nice results!

    1. Thank you Jonathan! I 'm happy to come back even with these 4 figures.
      I'm workin on some more 1:32 WW2 figures now and I hope I will have another post soon :)

  3. Definitely they look much better now and you did a great job. Well done!

  4. Dynamic and beautiful, love them, great job!

  5. What a treat..I remember running back from the toyshop in 1970 something clutching a box of these. Excellent work.

    1. Thank you sir and welcome to my world!
      Lots of blogs you got there to explore!! :)

      Cheers, George.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Mickal! The young dwarf is growing as I can see!! :)
      Beautiful photo!!

  7. They became much better to look 8)

  8. Impressive brushwork mate, these touch ups make a while lot of a difference as they go from just 'meh' to eyecatchers.

    1. Thanks my friend! It gives me lot of pleasure to restore unfinished
      or damaged figures! I love those poor treated guys :)

  9. Those look great!
    How do you cut your mold lints down? Having a bit of trouble getting that particular skill right, and I really don't like figures with them so am committed to removal one way or another!

    1. Thank you and welcome to my world!
      Yes the mould lines are a big problem of the Airfix figures .And it is worst when they are in the face detail!! You will need a sharp and pointy precision knife. You move the knife in parallel movement with the figure and the line should be cut off with one continious cutting. For hard plastic figures you can keep the knife in a vertical possition and scratch the surface , but for soft plastic this doesn't work and damages the surface.
      Start with the big and long lines on hands and feet for practice and with lots of patience and steady hand you'll be familiar with it.
      I have damaged some many figures all these years and I still do sometimes :)( specialy when I try to cut lines in the face!!)

      Hope that hepls!!

      Regards, George

  10. More cool work, you make some of the stuff I remember from my youth look so much better then it ever did when I had it.

  11. i always adored the larger sized AIRFIX Figures especially these ones that you have painted so well and presented here. They look real super cool.In a sealed glass jar I use neat thick bleach to soak old figures in and as the stuff comes in plastic bottles it does not damage plastic toy figures. ( Although I do not use it to soak rubbery HAT figures!) It can be a slow process taking many days or weeks but most paint falls away like snot. i remove the figures from the glass jar by my fingers and rinse them in cold tap water and any remaing paint is scrubbed off.(Warning Never mix Soap with Bleach!) The bleach remains in the jar and is used again if i have more figures to soak. It sounds Yukky! But it works for me.
    i dont mind the mould linesat all in period piece toy figures, which i`ve collected for many years.Although due to my hands shacking i can no longer paint them as i used to.As Beano Boy, i mainly write reviews on new figure production now on Benno`s Figure Forum, and scratch build paper buildings along with storys there. Thank you kindly for your visit to my Blog recently. Greetings BB

    1. Thank you BB for your visit and for you usefull tip.
      I will try it and I will come back with the results!

      Keep on the good work with your blog!


  12. Beatifully repainted classic Airfix figures. Somewhere I have these figures gathering dust like a forgotten extra in Toy Story.

    Cheers, Ross
