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Saturday, December 26, 2020

1:32 Cowboy in Duel - Unbranded, Repainting

        Merry Chrismas to everyone and may 2021 be a Happy , healthy and Creative New Year!!
 Lets hope that all this COVID situation will end within this new year and things get back to normal again..

     With this figure I returned to that set I have mentioned again in the past. A very nice unbranded set of Cowboys and Indians that copies classical poses of Airfix and possibly Marx(?) figures. These figures are in a big 1:32 scale ( about 58mm) and they are a bit simple in detail. But their asset is the faces! Great detailing and clear faces, a pleasure to paint..

  I'm also happy with the matterial witch is harder than Airfix an more difficult to bend. The primer and the paint stick on to it very well. I have painted one more of these cowboys in the past and you can find it in the post listing.
  The scull is scratch build by plasteline (!) and the base is a plain iron plate. I made the scull one day playing with my daughter and kept it for future use.  This figure was primed and ready to paint for some months and watching me every day from the shelf. 
   I'm also thinking adding this wooden base but I cannot decide. Your opinion might help :)

  Here's some more pictures on different ankle .


I will surely come back to that set as there are a lot more poses to paint. Hope you like it :)

That's all for now. 'Till next time...

Keep Up The Brushes


  1. Fantastic painted cowboy! Can't wait to see some more painted by you!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New year!


    1. Thank you Peter! This is for my collection and the project is "Paint one of each!!..haha

  2. Lovely work, and I have to admit I am a fan of the thinner base as I think it better highlights the great work you have done on the basing.

    1. Thank you Lawrence! Your opinion is much appreciated and will be considered :)

  3. Wonderful brushwork on classic looking figures!
