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Thursday, October 29, 2020

GW, Lord Of The Rings "Gothmog On Warg" 28mm Finished & WIP

       Second post for this month and back again to 28mm scale and  "Lord of the Rings" game.
Last month I was working on a commission for several Mordor units and Heroes witch you'll be able to see in the future, but for today we will start with "Gothmog on Warg" !
 "The age of Men is over. The time of the Orcs has come!"

      Gothmog was a lieutenant of  Minas Morgul . He had the same name with  Gothmog, lord of  Balrog from the First Age.He is described as an Orc-general with a misshapen face and disable left hand. He commanded the forces of Morgul after the Lord of the Nazgûl was slain by Eowyn at the battle of Pelennor Fields. High ranked character in the Armies of Mordor .

      Here you can see what's in the package. There are two figures in the set . One is Gothmog on foot and the other is mounted on a Warg. The warg comes in four pieces and the whole mounted figure comes in six pieces . Foot figure is in two pieces.

 A lot of great details as it is in the " Finecast " issues , but also a lot of mould lines to cut out!
So I started with assembling and  left unassembled the head of Warg and the rider. If the head was clued then it would be difficult to paint the dead figures on the ground.( Next time I will paint the dead figures first and then I will glue the warg! )

       Some pictures now during the painting procedure . Of course many of the stages have not been captured due to the fever of painting :).

     Here I had a small problem with the mould. On open line has been left between the two parts.
The problem is solved with a generous amount of paint witch when dried closed the hole perfectly!


  And here it is the second problem of joints. The connection of the hand with the reins had a small distance and not matched in shape. Problem solved with some PVA glue and again some paint.

    ....and for the end some pictures of the finished figure and of course some artistic photos :) 

...that's all for now. Hope you like this post and I wish it would be an inspiration to someone :)

 'till next time, stay safe and healthy!
..and of course,,

Keep Up The Brushes!!


  1. Magnificent painting of both 'man' and 'steed'!
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James and welcome to my world :)

    2. Thank you George. It's great how following blogs lead to discovering other excellent blogs like yours.
      Regards, James

    3. Thanks again for your kind words for my blog! You are welcome to follow so you can check out any new posts :)

  2. Fantastic paintjob George! Looking forward to your next figures of this range. Very inspirational for me!


    1. Thank you Peter! I'm glad for that:) Next will be " Gothmog's Enforcer and Guritz" . Stay tuned!

  3. Fantastic work ! Great paint-job !
    I love Lord of the Rings figures. There are a lot of those on my pile of shame.
    Looking forward to your next project.

    1. I laugh a lot with the " Pile of Shame" :)
      Don't worry , we all got a big one...hahaha :)
      Thank you Mario!

  4. Nicely done! Lovely work on details!
    All parts perfectly match each other. Yes, PVA glue is very helpful :)

    1. Thank you Dmitry! I could have done the job more "professionally" with Green Stuff but with this it was faster and finally strong enough..

  5. Lovely work on these figures. Beautifully done.
