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Thursday, September 24, 2020

" A Call To Arms " 1:32 AWI British Grenadiers

    Hello everyone!

        Hope you are all safe and healthy during this COVID19 situation..Last two weeks I was working on this project , witch is finally ended and ready to be presented here.

        These figures are from a classic "A Call To Arms" , British Grenadiers set from the American War Of Independence series. This set is consisted of 4 different poses painted here , some of them X4 .Two more figures added but I couldn't identify maker. These are the two reloading guys in the back.

  Here you can see the original set and some pictures used as reference of the uniform and equipment.


   I 've found this video that helps a lot for the uniform also. Check it out here:

   Some pictures below during the procedure..

      ..and some of the finished project.

     That's all for now. Hope you enjoy it as I did painting them and maybe this post helps someone painting similar figures  :)

    ...'till next time...

Keep Up The Brushes !!




  1. Really nice work on these. Great stuff.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you sir and welcome to my world! A lot of great blogs you got there! I should spend some time to explore :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Jonathan! Your opinion matters to me more, as a master of these ages :)

  4. Stunning job! Absolutely! Please have a look at my blog too! :-)

    1. Thank you my friend and welcome to my world :) I checked your blog and you have great jobs there! I tried to follow but I couldn't find the button. Is there any? You are welcome to follow here :) . George.

  5. Beautifully painted Redcoats - very nice sculpts too!

    1. Thank you Dean! Yes very nice sculpts with very few mould flaws. Recommended maker for the subject.
