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Friday, September 4, 2020

Airfix WW2 "British Paratroopers" 1:32 - Vacation painting!

     Happy return to everyone ! My best wishes for a new happy and productive season!
As stated in a previous post, I took some figures with me in the camp site (happy me!). One of the sets I manage to finish. The other one needs some work to do...

     So here are my second try for Airfix " WW2 British Paratroopers" in 54mm scale. I did one more back in 2018 and you can find it also somewhere here :)  Not many differences but brighter colours for the cammo and berets.

     Hope you like it and enjoy many pictures below..

    ... and of course , some in white backround.... for the fans of it. :)


Thanks for watching and hope it would be an inspiration to someone !!

'Till next time..

Keep Up The Brushes!!


  1. Beautiful artistry again. Love the realistic face of the officer, and the camo as well.

    1. Thank you Dean! The officer figure has a great sculpt on the face and no mould lines , so it is a must to give his a nice painting. I really enjoy it :)

  2. Great work! Faces came out really natural.

    1. Thanks Dmitry! Airfix figures having very nice face details (when the don't have mold lines crossing...)

  3. Terrific work. The camo smocks and the faces look great.

  4. I really like the brighter tones you used for these. Great work.

  5. Amazing work, have you done more than paint the faces they are so real they look sculpted

    1. Thank you my friend and welcome to my world!
      No , I just cut some mold lines , where there was some in the face, and just paint them. Airfix figures have some issues in the faces ( like one eye smaller than the other, or one eye sculpted the other not.) but with a careful painting you can create details easily :)
      Feel free to Follow to my blog. I would like to have you here :)


  6. Fantastic work - the camouflage smocks look great.


  7. Very nice! Love the way you painted these.
