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Sunday, April 8, 2018

American Militia Fig.3

     Hi! I hope you all had a nice weekend and Happy Easter Holidays!

      As the "Militia " project continues, one more figure is ready for the shelf ! I think this figure
 should be much more a hunter than a fighter !! The angle that he's aiming looks like he's aiming
 for a goose rather than an enemy :)

A nice pictures found at the web to inspire me...

Here are some more pictures ,different angles and some artistic!

Thank you for watching and have a nice week!

'Till next time.... Keep Up the Brushes!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanx Jonathan! These figures are closer to your
      painting era and battlefields so your comment is
      very much appreciated!!

  2. Nice pose and wonderful painting, he looks so real!

  3. Lovely work, he looks spot on 🖒

  4. Looks great. I always wanted a frock coat ever since seeing it in an old uniform book.

    1. Hi Dean, thank you! Yes it's a very pompous and lordy dress..
      Specially the one that Fig.2(previous post) is wearing!
      It's a "must-have" for a battle dress collector like you :)
