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Friday, March 24, 2017

Wild West - The Sad Cowboy ( to give a life to a cheap unbranded miniature! )

- Ahaa!! I got you , you lousy scum!!
   You 've got those Aces in your sleeve the whole time!!
- Ok, you got me .. now what?..
- Defend yourself you filthy card cheater!!

 Bang! Bang, Bang!!  ..

- Oohhh...holy crap you got me.....aahhhh....

- Ok..Let's go back to our play gents....and no tricks please...

Hello everyone! Here is something different to break the monotony...

   I bought these bunch of minis a long time a go as a bargain from e-bay...really cheap!
I believe they are unbranded Chinese copies of some older maker but I don't know for sure...
They are 1:32 scale but a little bigger.(56-59mm), made of soft plastic and factory painted.
Although they have very nice detail specially in the faces and expressions! 

If anyone knows anything about them I will be very happy to know!

That night we have seen the "Toy Story " movie with my little daughter
and when she went off to bed I search for them and decided to give a life
to some of these beautiful fellows.It's a long term plant though so, I don't
know when the second figure will be at my schedule..

So, at first I started to unpainted the figure from this lousy factory paint..
and then the painting are some pics....

And now the converting part began...The base!!
A not very well cut piece of wood, some balsa wood,
 some plastic tubes with pva glue and simple paper for the cards...
I've also added a pair of spurs from a soft metal connector.

Then I cut the miniature from its base and ad some pins to mount
in the new base.Also I've added the spurs and the base details..

And now some pictures  (Lots of them !!)  of the final outcome..

 I hope you like my little sad cowboy (my wife said that he looks like Indiana Jones...)
I will come back to this Wild West project after the British Infantry I'm working on
this time..( there are five more figs for that..) maybe with this figure..(yes he is smiling!!)

Thank you very much for reading this and I'm waiting for any information
about these figures or any other comment!!

'Till next time...Keep Up The Brushes!!!!


  1. WoooW! Your cowboy mini looks great! I love the saloon base too :)

  2. Great pose and splendid job, Hands up!

  3. Fantastic work on this cowboy! Some of the other figures I recognize them as Airfix copies. But this one I wouldn't know.


    1. Thank you Peter! Yes, you are correct!Some of them
      are Airfix copies but a little bigger!As I can see
      they are a mix of copies because I've found a Marx
      pose that matches with an Indian...They are nice
      copies although and I will paint some of them for sure..

      Regards, George.

  4. Excellent paint job, basing and modelling detail. Very nice results.

    1. Thanx for you comments my friend and welcome to my blog!
      Regards, George.
