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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Conte Collectibles - Vikings

      It's been very long time since my last post.Unfortunately, free time is a very difficult thing for me
to find these days.Although i will try to keep in touch at least once a month and upload some posts.
      Today i will present to you the first set of "Conte Collectibles" that comes to me some time ago.
A very nice detailed set of  "Vikings" battle figures.These figures are made in great historical accuracy
and the detail is excellent.
      On the other hand I have faced some problems with the material that are made of. This material
 is a very soft plastic ( Resin ? - I don't know what exactly ) and it bends too much and too easily....
 As a result of this, the paint on the figure is very possible to break on weapons etc.
      The solution i 've come up with is that, i used no primer ( cause it couldn't stuck solid on the figure)
and paint with one layer of acrylic as a primer.The acrylics have been absorbed better by the plastic
and so, when the figure was finished (with two or more light layers of paint) i had a more solid result.
     Of coarse i did not try to bend hard anything after finishing!!!

        I've decided to paint the trousers with the same colour for all the figures in order to look as the same
army's soldiers. Also for the clothing I used dark and dirty colours. I believe  that fancy medieval colours
and highlighting wouldn't fit to a dirty cruel viking army!! Humbrol No.62 has been used for all leather
 parts (belts etc).

                I've tried hard to straighten up this spear but it always turn back to it's starting position!!

                Here you can see the full project. 16 figures at total, or two sets of 8.

     One of the great things of this set is the shields!I really loved them!!! The wood sculpting is excellent!!

    Also a nice job has been done on the faces.I believe this was the first time i was satisfied with my work..

   The next time that an archer comes to me I will surely add some thin thread.It is very unreal without it...

     That's all folks!Thanks again for visiting my blog and i hope very much that you like it..!!!Please feel free
to contact for any matter.I would be very happy to help or answer to any question.
     Till' next time...See ya!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Revell "English Foot Soldiers - 100 Years War"

   Continuing with the older  projects preview , with this post i will present another, medieval  era ,
set of figures that comes in my hand sometime a go . Its  about  the  Revell  "English Foot Soldiers"
1:35 set (2606). I had this  commission about 2 years a go and it was the second medieval set after
the Airfix one.

 Pose 3Pose 4Pose 5Pose 6Pose 7Pose 8Pose 9

Pose 2Pose 10Pose 1        Revell Medieval British Infantry

      Above you  can see  the box and the figures that's included. The actual size 1:35 but this scale is
 very often mistaken for 1:32 scale due to the very small difference in size (about 4-5 mm).
      I 've painted these figures with red colour as the basic colour for uniform variations so they  look
like ,same banner soldiers.Once again  you can see that there is very poor detail on faces (no eyes!!)
and the bases are just covered with  static grass..  Even though, the figures are very nice in poses and
detail so they look great even with just a nice  painting and some small shadowing  (with a light black

       Thank you again for visiting my blog and i hope you like this post. I'm looking forward to present
some of my recent projects (with more details and pictures ),but  I would like to continue a little more
with  some  old  painting  attempts in  order  to  make  this  blog  a  complete journal  to  my  painting experiences and my full journey in this magnificent hobby!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Airfix Medieval Foot Soldiers

                Sometime during 2010, I've purchased a lot of soldiers on e-bay and I've found two
beautiful medieval figures. It  was the  first time I painted something else than WW2 and i like it
a lot....Then I've got a commission for a complete set of Airfix " Medieval Foot Soldiers" and  
this was a great challenge for me.             

 Here you can see the front cover
 of the Airfix box. These figures
 are great!  Excellent poses and
 very nice details on clothes and

         I've decided to paint the figures according to the box style  and  make  my  own variations
 in colors so, some  figures with the same pose will have a different color  combination.  Only the
archers were painted in the same colors so they can form a company of the same banner.I like very
much the result, even though my painting skills was not so advanced at that time...

        So, here you can see some pictures of the final outcome......In the first two pictures the bases
are incomplete. Later I 've finished them with static grass..

      I've also made some scratch built  ladders that looked much better than the  plastic ones  provided
 with the box.

         Here is the full project with all the figures and some of my additions,  like the ladders and the
wooden spikes for the archers...

      This Airfix issue is on more of my  " do it again " projects for the future. Even maybe a small diorama of
a battle scene.......

      Thank you for visiting my blog...........See ya!!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Airfix German "Waffen SS" Review

      Continuing the journey to my older projects, I would like to present here, another Airfix group
of soldiers. The figures are part of the classic "German Infantry" issue but , this time, painted in German
special forces colors,known as"Waffen SS".The references for the uniform was the classic "dot M44" camouflage colors.This camouflage was also on the "Panzer Grenadiers" uniform.


      Here you can see more realistic bases, with mud and dirt effect.Also a small attempt of weathering.
The figures are finished with matt varnish so they are not so "shiny" as my older attempts. This project is painted sometime during 2011....In the future I will paint a complete set of  "Waffen SS" including some
conversions I have in mind....

Thank you for reading this.........and...........see ya!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Airfix German Infantry Review

     Today I would like to show you my previous attempts on Airfix "German Infantry" figures.
One of the most common set of Airfix figures of the 70's.A lot of modellers had start their career
with this set and I'm one of those...
     I 've tried several times to paint figures from this set but the last time was about two years ago.
As you 'll see in the pictures below there are some mistakes in the uniform colors and there are no
weathering or shadowing techniques.

  Here is my first try.......
              sometime during 2009.....

.....I still like them......

      In the group below some things have been corrected ,but the trousers could fit more to Afrika Korps
rather than regular infantry!Although some shadowing has been applying on the jacket and looks good
with the insignia......Still no face details!


           In the near future i will try once again with these figures to make a complete set of this Airfix
issue, to a more realistic result.I have also try a conversion of these figures to Waffen SS but we will
talk about it in the next post.....

   Thank you for visiting my blog.....'till next time......see ya!!

Airfix 8th Army Review

    Somehow I should start this journey and I've decided to do so by sharing some of my older projects.
A lot of figures have been destroyed in my beginning mostly by using too much colour, wrong varnish(!),
even wrong colours!! Some of them, I like them until now, even though the techniques used were very poor
to none.
    Airfix figures are, as usual,  the first "victims", and here you'll see two of my attempts of painting British
"8th Army", also known as "Desert Rats".
    In the first two pictures you can see the first group that looked nice to me, even though the colours (of
the uniform ) were wrong and there are no weathering or shadowing techniques.Not even face details!

   The mould lines haven't been
cleared and at some point  they
look bad! In this group was the
first time I used insignia.
  Not correctly though.....

      The next group was much more detailed and with the correct uniform colour and face details.Also
there was a conversion (only in colours) of a "British Infantry" figure to a Desert Rat....Here you can see
my first attempts in weathering and shadowing techniques.

 Bases are still empty, just painted...
From that point you can see some nice
detail in the figures faces, not yet very
realistic.Much more like comic

        So these two attempts where the only ones worthy to display.In the future I will try again for a more
realistic result.I have some more of these figures, including an officer.I just want to search a little bit more
about insignia and how it was placed on the uniform.
       In the next posts i will continue the review of my previous Airfix projects (British Commando, German
Infantry, etc.)

        Hope you enjoyed our first journey as I did..........see ya!!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Let's get started!

Welcome to my blog!

After few years of painting figures I've decided to make this Blog 
in order to show my work, to take advices from other people
and to discuss any matter about miniatures... 
I'm more in the 1:32 figure miniatures , but I plan to work with
anything that's fun for me!!

My painting - crafting station

I hope that this blog will help me to advance my skills and also
will be a nice journey in the world of miniature modelling!!!

Thank you for reading this!!