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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Airfix Medieval Foot Soldiers

                Sometime during 2010, I've purchased a lot of soldiers on e-bay and I've found two
beautiful medieval figures. It  was the  first time I painted something else than WW2 and i like it
a lot....Then I've got a commission for a complete set of Airfix " Medieval Foot Soldiers" and  
this was a great challenge for me.             

 Here you can see the front cover
 of the Airfix box. These figures
 are great!  Excellent poses and
 very nice details on clothes and

         I've decided to paint the figures according to the box style  and  make  my  own variations
 in colors so, some  figures with the same pose will have a different color  combination.  Only the
archers were painted in the same colors so they can form a company of the same banner.I like very
much the result, even though my painting skills was not so advanced at that time...

        So, here you can see some pictures of the final outcome......In the first two pictures the bases
are incomplete. Later I 've finished them with static grass..

      I've also made some scratch built  ladders that looked much better than the  plastic ones  provided
 with the box.

         Here is the full project with all the figures and some of my additions,  like the ladders and the
wooden spikes for the archers...

      This Airfix issue is on more of my  " do it again " projects for the future. Even maybe a small diorama of
a battle scene.......

      Thank you for visiting my blog...........See ya!!