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Saturday, March 31, 2018

American Militia ( Minutemen ) Fig.2

     Before my next Airfix project ,(witch will be "British Commandos" set ), I decided to proceed
with this project with some more figures... I have finished one and I have three more primed and ready...

    These figures are from Accurate "American Militia" set and you can see some details below.



       Historical: Those troops where also called "Minutemen" because they where civilians ready to form a group and get to the fight within a minute after receiving a message! Highly skilled in weaponry and strategy they where one of the most important forces during the war for revolution!

   I really like those figures , they have excellent detail and historical accuracy! I 've been  inspired this one by these drawings here..

   This is my first flowered base and I'm not 100% satisfied... I'll do my best with the next one :)

Here are the next three to come....

Thank you for visiting my blog!
 I hope you like the post and being inspired!

'Till next time....Keep up the Brushes!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Airfix WW2 "British Paratroops" 1:32 (or fight with the clock)

Hi there,
       after a long time I decided to test my painting time capacity with a mass (not so mass) painting.
 I painted this set in 12 hours ( in five days!) and fighting with the clock I tried to be as more detailed
 as I could, so that the figures could reach a nice standard.... So,  it is about 2 hours per piece for full
 treatment...( mould clearing, washing, priming, painting , varnished and base making..).
    I know that, time is a relevant value to discuss, but I would like to have your opinion about the,
"time vs quality" issue for these figures..

      About the figures, this is another one of the famous "Airfix" WW2 sets and normally it has seven different poses. During priming,  I've realized that I've left one pose out by accident, so this is not the full set...

     Unfortunately ,once again, I forgot to take some pics during the procedure...Only this one..

Here are some more pictures to enjoy..

Thanx for stopping by and I hope you've been inspired somehow!

'Till next time... Keep up the Brushes!!!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Matchbox 1:32 WW2 British Infantry Full set! ........( At last!!)

         Hi there, This project took me too long to finish but finally is ended! I'm very happy to
present you some pictures of the full set for those who haven't see the previews posts.. This was
my favorite figures from my childhood and I wanted to be as good as I can !! 

        Enjoy below ,lots of takes from different angles and settings !  


Stay tuned form more WW2 figures!
Thanx for watching and hope you liked it!!

'Till next time...Keep up the Brushes!!!