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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

American Civil War Confederate Rebel 1:32

        Hi there, Here's just another small post for a small fellow, just to let you know I'm here
struggling to find some time to paint something.....anything! I'm still working to finish the
British WW2 figures and I have them almost ready!!
       In the meantime I've made some Unbranded Knights figures for a friend witch I will
 present in a  forthcoming post.But for now here's what I have..

       This fellow here has been painted a long time a go and comes to me along with some other
mixed ACW figures. So I don't have the full set and I don't know much about it..

.... and here's a question for anyone Knows : 

  Searching the web I've found this figure as
 being part of this following set . It is named as
 " Replicants 54mm Confederate Rebel vets"
Is the original brand "Replicants" or it is copies
of some older manufacturer?
I didn't even understand if "Replicants" is a
Brand or the seller means that the figures are
just copies....
   Any help would be very much appreciated!!

                    Here you can see some more pictures in different angles or backgrounds.



   .....a little bit more glossy that I wanted to that time I haven't discovered matt varnish yet!!!

 I Hope you like this little fellow and this post would be helpful to someone!

...till next time....Keep up the brushes!!!