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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Revell "English Foot Soldiers - 100 Years War"

   Continuing with the older  projects preview , with this post i will present another, medieval  era ,
set of figures that comes in my hand sometime a go . Its  about  the  Revell  "English Foot Soldiers"
1:35 set (2606). I had this  commission about 2 years a go and it was the second medieval set after
the Airfix one.

 Pose 3Pose 4Pose 5Pose 6Pose 7Pose 8Pose 9

Pose 2Pose 10Pose 1        Revell Medieval British Infantry

      Above you  can see  the box and the figures that's included. The actual size 1:35 but this scale is
 very often mistaken for 1:32 scale due to the very small difference in size (about 4-5 mm).
      I 've painted these figures with red colour as the basic colour for uniform variations so they  look
like ,same banner soldiers.Once again  you can see that there is very poor detail on faces (no eyes!!)
and the bases are just covered with  static grass..  Even though, the figures are very nice in poses and
detail so they look great even with just a nice  painting and some small shadowing  (with a light black

       Thank you again for visiting my blog and i hope you like this post. I'm looking forward to present
some of my recent projects (with more details and pictures ),but  I would like to continue a little more
with  some  old  painting  attempts in  order  to  make  this  blog  a  complete journal  to  my  painting experiences and my full journey in this magnificent hobby!!!